Amazing Hazel’s Zesty Bloody Mary Mix
A Review
I drink lots and lots of bloody Mary’s. I generally prefer my homemade recipes, but always appreciate a good off-the-shelf mix. My followers know that I’m quick to tear down a crappy mix like Zing Zang or Tabasco Brand mix.
Last Friday a jar showed up at my door that gave me pause. Amazing Hazel’s Zesty Bloody Mary Mix with Ginger comes in a quart jar that you might expect mayonnaise or BBQ sauce to come in. That’s fine.
Holding it up to the light and swirling it around, you know it’s a thicker one. Some like it thick. Some do not. I’m generally in the not camp.
I first flip a bottle or jar and read the ingredients. Take a look:

You Have My Attention
No High Fructose Corn Syrup. No MSG. Nothing I don’t keep in my kitchen. Respect.
I take a taste on its own. Fresh as a farmer’s market. Really good. Lots of little bits of…ginger root. Really? Okay, that calls for gin. Mixed up a pint with some Boodles Gin- my fav. The gin opened up those flavors ten fold. Don’t drink this on its own. Don’t drink it with vodka. Gin!
So many interesting and fresh flavors. I’m a fan.
Here’s a thing though- not the thing, a thing. All those little bits of ginger and perhaps peppers and onions? They take some effort to work through. My comment to my assistant was, “I recommend dental floss for a chaser on this one.” I like drinking. I like chewing. I usually do one at a time. Hey Hazel, can you maybe blend it a little smoother? -Only complaint.
Amazing Hazel’s Zesty Bloody Mary Mix with Ginger is an original, fresh, high quality mix. Its unique flavor profile alone is worth a try. It strikes a balance of fresh, bold, and slightly savory. Drink it with gin. Until ol’ Hazel figures it out, throw it in the blender before drinking. That way a nice lighter IPA can take the place of that waxed dental floss as the perfect chaser.
Find out more about Amazing Hazel’s at their website: