Big Ma’s Smoked Honey Hot Sauce Review

INTRO:  Welcome to the award winning, Nationally syndicated My Big Fat Bloody Mary podcast where you will never drink alone. Special hello to our new listeners! 4 new subscribers from Malaysia!  Selamat datang!    (Selahmat datong) 

We are coming to you from the studios of the Bloody Mary Concert Series. We are being fueled by Lake Effect Vodka. It’s crafted right on the shores of Lake Michigan. Clean and crisp, Lake Effect is the strong silent type. It’s smooth, and it lets you steer the conversation. Lake Effect arrives at the party with a quiet confidence, a true friend to any mixer or cocktail.  And, here’s something we love about them: Lake Effect isn’t just about quality spirits; they’re committed to conservation, ensuring that natural resources are protected for future generations. So raise a glass, enjoy the spirit, and know you’re toasting to a great cause!

I’m Greg Tooke, your host .

Announcements:  What’s New on Social? Long Bottom Giveaway! Link to   This week’s question: When do you drink a virgin, and when do you add spirits?

Last Episode: Long Bottom & Co Virgin Bloody Mary Mix- OPEN ONE UP!

  • What’s the Garnish? Cottage Cheese, Chicken soup

Company(s) We Review : Big Ma’s Hot Smoked Honey Hot Sauce

Company Story:  

My journey begins in my kitchen while entertaining family and friends. I grew up in a family that always entertained guests with a home-cooked meal; this inspired my love for food and getting the right flavor into each dish. We all enjoyed spicier flavors but were always disappointed with the choices on the supermarket shelves. Most of the options included large amounts of vinegar and other preservatives that distracted the pepper tastes and texture. My ethnic background has inspired cooking with combinations of exotic flavors from the region of West Africa. My family and friends receive a dining experience that gives satisfaction from eating spice and enjoying sensational, flavorful tastes. 

My amazing hot sauce comes in two flavors: Mild, and Hot. The taste is unique and will leave you craving more. You will include these flavors in every recipe prepared in your kitchen for all your dining entertainment needs. This versatile sauce will be a staple of your mealtime condiments, like salt and pepper.

Describe Bottle:5 oz clear bottle. Label- a woman in an apron stirring a giant kettle of sauce- Cute!

Onto the Ingredients: 

Appearance: Thick and orange like pureed carrots

Consistency:  Very thick- doesnt want to come out of the bottle


Heat: Lip burning hot

Where’s The Chaser?? Which Beer Today? Montucky

Retail Cost: $9.99 5 oz or $12.99 for 8oz

How to learn more (Contact Info) 

Summary: Would I Buy it? –  Greg:            Guest:


Next Week:

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