Bloody Bob’s Bloody Mary Mix Review
Live Review: Bloody Bob’s Mix
We had a great time reviewing Bloody Bob’s Bloody Mary mix. It’s truly a unique product featuring a mix of flavors from pineapple to peppers with none of the msg, high fructose corn syrup or other silly stuff.
The first flavor to hit is a sweet pineapple with pepper undertones. Unexpected and a bit odd at first. Finishes with a clean peppery freshness.
Ratings: 1 to 77, with 1 being worst imaginable, and 77 being, well, like one we’d make.
Our panelists;
Erica *55/77 *Erica gave a separate rating for ingredients 70/77
Deborah *56/77 *Debora also gave a separate rating for ingredients 70/77
Brad *62/77 *Brad also gave a separate rating for ingredients 70/77
Lynn 55/77 *Hell if Lynn would!