Davina Rae’s Hot Sauces Review
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Davina Rae’s Hot Sauces
INTRO: Welcome to the award winning My Big Fat Bloody Mary podcast where you will never drink alone. Special hello to our new listeners! 25 new subscribers Mexico!
**********!Bienvenidos a nuestra pesadilla!
We are coming to you from the studios of the Bloody Mary Concert Series and we are being fueled by the La Crosse Distilling Co.’s Field Notes Vodka, whose corn-based vodka is just that- 100% Midwestern organic yellow dent corn. Besides the yeast and enzymes they use to break down the sugars in the corn, there’s nothing else used to make this spirit. It is double-distilled and filtered for a nice easy finish. I’m Greg Tooke, your host and joining me today…
Intro Guest:
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This week’s Q: How often are your bloodies from scratch vs bottled mix? –
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Last Episode/ Review: Morning After Mix https://mybigfatbloodymary.com/the-morning-after-bloody-mary-mix-review/
Word of the Day:”Hot”
Obscure profanity: From Ron Davis
“There used to be a Web site that issued Shakespearean curses at random. I had it emailing one a day to me until, sadly, the site disappeared. The only one I remember is,’Thou art a bootless, sheep-biting canker-blossom!’”
**What does the insult canker blossom mean in Shakespeare’s Midsummer Night’s Dream?
Cankers, Caterpillars, and Malt-worms: 3 Shakespearean …
Thus, when Hermia calls Helena a canker blossom, she is likening her to one of these pernicious creatures who destroys flowers, and by metaphorical extension, suggests that Helena is a creature who, as evidenced by her theft of Lysander’s love, destroys or corrupts beauty and goodness.***
Ron goes on to say,”(I think this is a mixed metaphor. Although I like this one, I think in general that, even if a mixed metaphor sings, it should be derailed.)”
Company We Review : 3 Davina Rae’s Hot Sauces; Davina’s Hot Sauce, Kosar’s Fire 19 Hot Sauce, Fuzz’s Awesome Sauce
*** Describe Bottles: Squeeze
Company Story:

Onto the Ingredients: each unique
Consistency: Thicker…
Flavor: Flavor: Flavor:
Where’s The Chaser?? Which Beer Today?
Retail Cost: $
How to learn more https://www.davinaraes.com/
Summary: Would I Buy it? – Greg: Guest:
Next Week:
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