Mike and Brenda’s Bloody Mary Mix Review
Mike and Brenda’s Salsa – Bloody Mary Mix
Mike and Brenda’s is a small family company from Henderson, Minnesota. They got their start making salsa. They make five salsa varieties; Mild, Medium, Hot, Extra Hot, and OMG Pineapple Salsa. Here’s what they have to say about their salsa;
“Welcome to our Salsa world! We’ve been making salsa for almost 20 years and have it down to a science. We use fresh ingredients and lots of love to make the best salsa this side of the Mississippi!
We make it hot….so hot your tongue will sweat! But, we can tone it down too so you can really enjoy the flavor.
Our salsa is full thick and hearty…you’ll need a good chip to really appreciate this salsa!”
But that’s not what I’m interested in. Mike and Brenda have moved into the bloody Mary world -a logical progression I think.

I received a quart, and I mean a quart mason jar, of the mix and just now got around to trying it. Holy smokes! This stuff is GOOD! The antithesis of a big corporate product, (Think Zing Zang), Mike and Brenda’s mix is devoid of flashy packaging. In fact, the only marking on the jar is a sticker with contact information on the lid.
Ordinarily, I’d start a review by reviewing the ingredients. Since there are none listed, let’s move on.
The mix is deep red in color, with little bits of solids visible. It pours just a tad thicker than canned tomato juice. Not too thick, but enough texture to get my attention.
Wow! My first taste conjured up childhood memories of my mom and aunts canning tomato juice. Such fresh tomato flavors. Mom and her sisters also used to can something they called, “tomato plus.” If I recall, it was a mixture of garden tomatoes cooked with celery and onions. Mike and Brenda’s has those flavors and a few more. I taste celery and onion, perhaps a touch of garlic, and some spice.
The spice is interesting. It doesn’t hit you right away but leaves a very nice after-taste, reminiscent of a Snap-E-Tom tomato cocktail.

The balance of fresh, fresh tomatoes and spice are absolutely perfect in Mike and Brenda’s Bloody Mary Mix. The flavor is immediately addictive. (And I’m not even adding vodka today!) I can’t think of an improvement that could be made to this mix, other than wider distribution.
My advice, if you see this mix for sale, buy as much as you can. Great stuff!
Find out more about Mike and Brenda’s on their Facebook page: