Mosassa Magic Pepper Sauce Review

Mosassa Magic Pepper Sauce Review

INTRO:  Welcome to the award winning My Big Fat Bloody Mary podcast where you will never drink alone.Special hello to our new listeners! We are coming to you from the studios of the Bloody Mary Concert Series and we are being fueled by the La Crosse Distilling Co.’s Field Notes Vodka, whose corn-based vodka is just that- 100% Midwestern organic yellow dent corn. Besides the yeast and enzymes they use to break down the sugars in the corn, there’s nothing else used to make this spirit. It is double-distilled and filtered for a nice easy finish. I’m Greg Tooke, your host and joining me today…

Intro Guest: 

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“Do you expect a beer chaser when you order a bloody?”

This week’s podcast question:

Do you expect a beer chaser when you order a bloody?

Dillon Ewals

I don’t expect it, but always order one

Mark Magwire

Top contributor

It’s nice but kind of regional. Here in Nebraska, mostly not, but some do. Can always order a beer on the side.

Jax Wade

Top contributor

No, not super common here. I’ll ultimately chase it with a beer anyway, but it’s a nice surprise when I do get one

Roger John Haveman

Always order one if not come with

Susan Fiebig

Yes, but only in WI!

Top contributor

Nope. Never knew what it was until this FB group.

Neal Nehring

In Mn and WI🤷🏻‍♂️

Darcey Forbes

Wish I didn’t always have to ask for one

Nancy Covington

I don’t expect it but love it! It’s the way we make them.

Nancy Sousa Feley

Nah, who needs beer when you have a Bloody Mary sitting in front of you 🍹lol 😳🤣🍹

Bill Elliott

Nope and don’t want one

Victoria Netram

Not common in NYC. There is one place I’ve been that offers. It’s not what I’m used to, but I’m not going to say no to a sip of beer anywhere.

Chelsea Lee Roberts

As a bartender I always ask if they’d like a snit….as a patron I just ask for one.

Lynn David

Never heard of that until joining this group. I think it’s a great idea

Grace Ann

Lynn David definitely a standard question asked when getting a bloody in Wisconsin “would you like a chaser?”

Brett Greely

Not at all. I don’t do any type of beer in or around my bloody.

Nola Purplecat

Top contributor

No, it is not something that I have found anywhere in Florida. I usually order a Bloody and a beer but for a long time I was the only person I knew who did that. It was definitely a surprise when I joined this group and found out that it was very common… See more

Bill Simmons

💯 we call it a “set” 😄

Jenn Cormier

Ewwww. No thanks 😝

Ryan Brown

So what’s the point of one????

Scott Voit

If it doesn’t come with training wheels, I always order it……

Jen Menako

Top contributor

Yes, but I’m from WI. Most of the time it’s offered and I get offended when it’s not 😅

Jim Foster

Top contributor

No because I want a pint of some craft IPA for a sidecar 🍻Cheers

Teddy Kmiec

If you’re in Wisconsin or Northern Illinois then yeah.

Alexis Thomas Halk

Never even heard of this but have noticed all the pics with beers beside the bloody.

Marcia Griffin

Yes, at least in Wisconsin…

Tonya Smith

No. The first and only one I’ve ever experienced was in Minnesota. I didn’t expect it but was pleasantly surprised.

Ron Mackert

Nope, just another BM as a chaser.

Rob Saul

Top contributor

Not in Jersey

Chad Johnson

Depends on where I’m ordering it. In WI? Definitely.

Bob Oso

The BM is the chaser to a vodka shot.

Alicia Ann

Yup! WI Here!

Courtenay Ribble Walker

I have seen that on this site a lot! I’ve never ever heard of that. I have never ordered a beer chaser ever. What is the point? Seriously just very curious.

Courtney McCrary

Mmmmm, I’ve never had that! Definitely will try

Paul Morris

Not usually but I tend to order a beer before my bloody is finished

Rick Last

Absolutely, yes.

(Yes I ‘m a Cheesehead)

Barbara B. Nixon

Top contributor

When I’m in Wisconsin, yes, I expect it. Outside of the state, I order one separately

Lea Rasura McEuen

I actually had a beer chaser for the first time recently and I gotta say, I didn’t know how good it tasted until I tried it! Cheers! 🍹🍺

Jay Mcdonell

I expect nothing ever in life but, I do enjoy one

Sharon Schaub Deierling

I like to have one but don’t expect it



Daniel Downes

I usually just get a lemon water on the side, i like my bloodys very spicy, then after 3 or 4 I’ll switch to beer lol

Karen Buss

Yes, love a chaser. If I don’t get one, I ask. Never been denied.

Kris Wakeman

No thank you, especially when it’s a Miller Lite or some other god awful piss water🤮

Thomas Welsh

Not-ta but I do ask for a shot of fire Jack Daniels I have gotten it twice for my shooter 😁😁😁😍😁😁😁

Rebecca Beirne Pendleton

I feel I need to try this. Please recommend what beer. Note* I prefer lagers and porters…

Jimbo Ratzburg

Yes! 😋

Misty Almendarez

Top contributor

Not here in Cali

David Cotton

I put my beer in my bloody mary

Amanda Garceau

Top contributor

I don’t like beer, plus it’s unheard of here in Oregon.

Harris Burdette

Nah not needed. Enjoy the flavor of the bloody.

Jackie Chumley

Not in Texas. In fact, I’d never heard of that until joining this group.

Lisa Marie

Top contributor


Shelley Morningstar

It’s expected in MN

Sherry Denton

Have to order separately but it’s really good to add some to the bloody as you drink it

Debi Bailey Boutell

Top contributor

Living in the south, I don’t expect it. I really appreciate it when there is one!

Todd Jacobs

Of course not!

Randy Phillips

I like to chase my bloody with another bloody

Tom Burns

Yes…..I also order a beer back.

Rick Schwartz

Top contributor

No and i’ve never heard of this until i joined this group about 6 months ago and i still don’t know why anyone needs/wants a beer chaser with your bloody?

Michelle Rishel-Haubrick

I don’t expect it but it would be nice because I usually order a beer back.

Yes !! But no one in texas does it unless

You ask 🙁

Susan Barros

I never heard of that until I was recently In Minneapolis. They go well together!

David Sullivan

I do this at home so- yes

Dave Sample

I expect to enjoy my bloody , then move on to beer and a shot of whiskey!

Bill Rose

Top contributor

Expect No, but i ask for one.

Pj Felt

No if I’m in the mood for beer I order a bloody bull

David Reyes

Top contributor

Expect? No. Depending on the price, maybe. I don’t need a whole chicken, but at least give me an effen pony beer if it’s north of $10. 😁

Kori Plett

It’s common in Wisconsin, But I’m not a beer drinker, and always ask for it without the chaser. I never understood the point of it.

Pam Katiraee

Since moving from Minnesota, I now have to order a beer 🍺 plus my Bloody Mary. 😳🤪😉

Donald E Hamm II

YES!! A snit is a must! Mn, here.

Jerry Dean Jewell

I do , I will nicely ask if not offered, but usually in the Midwest, especially Wisconsin you don’t need to ask

Lynn Miller

Yes, especially Wi!

Sharon Shannon

Yes I sure do! It’s the only time I drink beer. Oddly enough I don’t like to pour the beer into my bloody

Fred Conger

Not below The MASON-DIXON…

Julie Bowen Yager

Not a chance in TN!

Mary McClellan Horney

Top contributor

They won’t give you one in NC because i guess they can only serve one drink per person at a time 😭😭😭

James Molino

Top contributor

Growing up in The south was not a thing. Maybe an extra shot of vodka. Yep. Lol



Tina Scott

Not here in Florida, unless you’re at Ford’s Garage then it comes with one !

Jeff Noordhof

Chasers are for shots.

Bette Berkovitz Thompson

It’s totally WI but if you ask in AZ they will

Ann Knudslien Cimperman

Most definitely! & I expect the bartender to ask my preference of beer! It’s a Ranger thing maybe?

Laure Puntel DeCarlo

Top contributor

I am in Wisconsin for work this week and OMG they love their BM, every menu I have looked at has so much selection and it’s a thing here! I come from Kansas and never had a beer chaser before!

Jen VanBuskirk

Top contributor

Not at all, save the bar some money. I hate beer. Give me a vodka chaser 🤷‍♀️

Jen VanBuskirk

Top contributor

I’m an hour north of Detroit, you will Never get offered a side car or whatever you call it. I think it all depends on location. Keep that smit or side car and give me an extra shot of vodka

Lee Blumenstein

What’s your chaser if you order a Michelada?

Rick Henry

Only if I order one

Steph Vanderbunt

No one outside of the Midwest would expect that since it barely exists outside of Wisconsin…

Pamela Surface-Russell

Top contributor

No, but I’ll often ask for one if not served with one.

Jessica Kopp-Lippold

Top contributor

Absolutely! I am from Wisconsin of course.

Traci Wyatt Zea


Thomas Peterson

Top contributor

Does Michael Scott prefer his peanut butter to be creamy? Of course I expect a chaser.

Pari Sexauer

If I’m at a bar yes, at a restaurant it’s 50/50, at home it’s a full beer chaser 😉

Michelle Ledin-mahlum

Yes !

Joel Hefti

Of course

Jessica Kopp-Lippold

Top contributor

Absolutely! I am from Wisconsin of course. 😁🍻

Barb Kihm Sherwood


Laura Nygren McCormick

You betcha!

LINK TO FB group 

Last Episode/ Review: Longbottom & Co. Bloody Mary Mix 

Word of the Day:”Sauce”

Obscure profanity: WacIntosh: Wáck-in-tosh (noun) A computer strictly used for viewing pornography. 

Company We Review : Mosassa Magic Pepper Sauce

Company Story: Mosassa Magic Pepper Sauce came to life in Homosassa Springs, Florida in the early 1990s and it was made to be enjoyed with family and friends. The name, Homosassa, is a Native American word meaning “place of many pepper plants”, so it was fitting to name this delicious pepper sauce after the place of its origin.

Onto the Ingredients: Photo





Where’s The Chaser?? Which Beer Today? 

Retail Cost: $10.95 10 oz bottle

How to learn more (Contact Info) 

Summary: Would I Buy it? –  Greg:            Guest:


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